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Baby names

13th Apr 2021

Baby names: 10 baby girl names that’ll never be called ‘boring’ or ‘traditional’

Trine Jensen-Burke

Expecting a little girl? Or, maybe you’ve just welcomed one into the world. Congrats!

If you’re undecided on what to call your brand new little bundle, allow us to help you out.

We’ve just rounded up 10 cool (and even a little edgy) baby girl names that you are bound to fall head over heels in love with.

Are you ready?

1. Indie

Wouldn’t you love to know someone called Indie?!

2. Clea

Pair this with a longer sounding middle name, and you have just achieved baby name perfection.

3. Alethea

IT-girl in the making, we think.

4. Callie

So sweet, yet pretty cool sounding too.

5. Thais

Nab it before someone else does.

6. Oakley

It has just the right amount of masculine to make it totally cool for a girl.

7. Piper


8. Raine

Nature-inspired baby names are going nowhere yet, and we are particularly fond of Raine.

9. Phoenix

Not just for the boys!

10. Indigo

If you love the colour, you might love the name too.