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Baby names

27th Jul 2019

Due in 2020: The baby boy names that are predicted to sky-rocket in the new year

Trine Jensen-Burke

Is 2020 the year your baby boy is due?

If so, then you might care to take a look at this list of baby names a group of mums on Mumsnet think is about to become the next big thing in baby boy names.

“Which names do people think will start to become popular over the next few years?” the mum who started the thread wrote, kicking off what is proving to be a very popular discussion thread.

“Which names have you started to hear more of recently that you think will increase in popularity?”

Obviously other Mumsnet user were keen to come to the party, and eager to share the baby boy names they were hearing more of lately and making their own predictions based on the kids in their own community.

Curious as to what these mums think are about to be the trendiest baby boy names around? Here you go:

  1. Arthur
  2. Archie
  3. Alexander
  4. Teddy
  5. Arlo
  6. Max
  7. Milo
  8. Leo
  9. Ezra
  10. Theo
  11. Percy
  12. Reuben
  13. Jaxon
  14. Jude
  15. Raffy