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Baby names

31st May 2018

Mum lists ‘dumbest’ names in her son’s school and we are in bits

Jade Hayden


As of late, people have gotten, eh, let’s say a bit more creative when naming their children.

The likes of ‘John’ and ‘Mary’ just don’t cut it anymore lads. You’d want to name your child something mad like ‘Earth’ or ‘Genoiuze’ to get anywhere in life.

Non-conventional names seem to be all the rage these days, but it’s a true rarity when you come across so many strange names in one place.

A true gift.

Twitter user Allison Czarnecki came across that very scenario though when she was looking through her son’s yearbook.

She saw a load of, as she puts it, “dumb” names in the book and she decided to tweet them all out.

And we are truly glad that she did.


Just wow.

Allison then shared some of the “dumbest” names she encountered while attending a high school graduation.

They included a cowboy named Cinch.

For real.

Absolutely stunning.

Allison went on to say that 99.9 percent of these children were white, so anyone calling her culturally insensitive could stop, because she wasn’t being so.

She was just having the laugh at some white people, according to her anyway.

We hope she was telling the truth.