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Baby names

19th Mar 2019

The most popular girls’ names from the 1920s are ones we still ADORE


Denise Curtin

Looking for inspiration?

Do you have a love for the 1920’s glitz and glamour? Yes, us too.

From flapper dresses to sparkly jewels and all things Great Gatsby, although it wasn’t an era we were around for, we still soak up all its inspirations from style, right through to baby names.

And having a look back at the most popular baby names in the 1920s in the UK, USA and here in Ireland, it shows many of them have lasted the test of time and others are ones that just need to be brought back.

Iconic, powerful and timeless names just like the women they are bestowed upon.

Here are some of our faves from the roaring twenties.

  1. Helen
  2. Gloria
  3. Anna
  4. Frances
  5. Elizabeth
  6. Lillian
  7. Josephine
  8. Grace
  9. June
  10. Dolores
  11. Evelyn
  12. Rose
  13. Hazel
  14. Edith
  15. Rita