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17th Apr 2019

This company gives all employees Wednesdays off, and we’re so jealous

Rebecca O'Keeffe

Inform your boss immediately.

Does anyone else fucking scream in agony on a Wednesday morning?

Sure, you’re half way through the week, but it truly is the worst day ever.

Well, what if you no longer had to work on Wednesdays, like ever again?

Wouldn’t your life be much improved? Well, your work space would also be way more productive.

A Melbourne-based company recently decided to delete Wednesdays from the working week.


Employees still do their usual 37.5 hours, but are only in on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

So this works out at around nine and a bit hours a day. Very doable.

“We are three times more profitable than we were last year, we have grown by 30 or 40 percent in the last year in terms of revenue, and we have got happier staff and who are much more productive,” CEO Kathryn Blackham told ABC Australia.

You can’t argue with the facts lads.


She continued, explaining the reason for the change.

“I know a lot of workplaces have that kind of those Monday morning ‘feels’, where there’s a bit of a vibe in the office, people are bantering back and forward. And in the end you get that kind-of ‘hump day’ on Wednesday, which is a little bit harder to do.”

“By the time we get to Thursday it’s like a Monday again. You get a new feeling of enthusiasm and cracking on with work, collaboration.”

Now the only question we have… are they hiring?