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20th Oct 2019

3 small (but simple) parenting tricks we should be taking from French parents

Trine Jensen-Burke

There is seemingly no end to how amazing French women really are.

They can eat croissants and baguettes all day and keep on top of fitness goals. They can opt out of wearing makeup and still look glowing and when it comes to style, well, let’s just say we all could learn a thing or two from them.

And it doesn’t stop there, guys. It seems that even when it comes to parenting, les Français and their unique take on raising their bebes trump our way big time.

Because, as Pamela Druckerman, author of Bringing Up Bébé: One American Woman Discovers The Wisdom of French Parenting, can attest, French children do indeed seem to be more behaved, polite, and independent than the average Irish child.

Oh, and guess what? Druckerman also points out that French parents have learned how to balance parenting with a social life, sleep, and sex.

Want to steal a few tips from the French on how they do it all? You’re in luck. The blog Fatherly has scanned the New York Times bestselling book for some must-read insights on how to bring up baby – the French way:

1. Pause Before Reacting to a Crying Baby

According to Druckerman, French mums pause for five minutes before soothing a crying baby at night. This gives children time to calm themselves before you intervene, and it teaches them independence.

2. There Is No Such Thing as “Kids Food”

While a lot of our supermarkets and corner shops tend to be laden with alphabet-shaped spaghetti and cartoon-themed treats, French mums feed their kids the same food they eat themselves. Simples. While this might seem less exciting for children (but no doubt healthier!), it could be the reason why French children are believed to be less picky and don’t create a scene when vegetables are served.

3. Talk to Your Child Like an Adult

French mums don’t generally adopt a baby voice when talking to their children. Even if babies are too young to comprehend conversation, the French believe talking to infants in a normal, measured voice shows respect and teaches them maturity at a young age.