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15th Sep 2019

This mum’s mother gave her a beautiful reminder we all could do with hearing

Trine Jensen-Burke

beautiful reminder

The days are long, but the years are short.

And while this can be a beautiful reminder, these words also have the power to render you almost in tears from annoyance on those days when parenting literally feels relentless. But seriously – how many times have you had this phrase repeated to you from someone who is further ahead in the parenting game than you are, be it your own mother, the lady next door, or your friend who had her own babies in her early 20s while you waited another decade before joining the motherhood.

This thing is, though… even though it might not feel it sometimes, when we are knee-deep in parenting, so tired that we can’t even remember our own name and when night and day blur into one from pure exhaustion, feeds, nappies or trying to settle and re-settle a toddler back into bed for the 67th time that night, the years really are short. So, so short.

Which is why this beautiful reminder just stopped me in my tracks yesterday. Maybe because my own children always fall alseep with me in the big bed and it all felt so familiar. Or maybe because I am not ready for my little children not to be little children anymore, feeling their little-ness slipping through my fingers as we speak.. But I do think it is a reminder we all need to read. And remind each other. Because while it can be hard to see it when motherhood is at its most intense and exhausting, it really is these days that you will long for once they have passed.

Just take a look at what this mum’s own mother had to say to here about soaking up every minute of motherhood, and how much she’ll miss it come the day her children don’t quite need her in the same way anymore.

Here is whaMrs. Bombastic had to say in her Facebook post:

My mum thanked me last night.

She babysat, and SHE thanked ME?!

She never taught my brother or I to self soothe.
We shared her bed.
We took our naps in her arms.
She breastfed till we naturally weaned…

And one day, all of that came to an end.

One day, we turned into cranky and unruly teenagers who wanted to be with our friends over her.
And then even later on, one day we both got married and had families of our own.

Last night, my husband and I went out.
Not far. And we weren’t late.
But when we got back, I went upstairs and found my children asleep in my mothers arms in the same way that they fall asleep in my arms every night.
And in the same way that my brother and I had fallen asleep in her arms every night.

They all looked so calm and peaceful.
I asked if she was ok, and she smiled through faint tears.

She thanked me for giving her these moments back.
These moments that she never imagined possible to experience again….
she thought that these days had well and truly passed.

She told me that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t remember the last time she held me.
She can’t remember my last feed.
She can’t even remember the last time that I climbed into her bed in the middle of the night asking her for a cuddle….
But when she held her grandchildren to sleep, it gave her an emotional reminder of what it was like. How beautiful it felt. How special it was.

Because these moments won’t last forever.
Even though sometimes they feel like they will.

She told me how lucky I am that I get to do this every single night. And how fortunate I am that I get to do so for a little while longer.

I smiled. She is right.
Even on those long nights when I don’t believe that to be the case; I am most definitely lucky.”