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31st Dec 2019

The important 5-minute bonding exercise to do as a couple before baby arrives

Trine Jensen-Burke

There is no denying that adding a baby to your little cozy unit of two takes a fair bit of adjusting.

To many couples, going from a two-some to a fully fledged family can be quite the shock, no matter how ready you think you are.

However, if you worry about how your approach to parenting is going to differ from your partner’s – much as you think you are on the same page when it comes to most things – PureWow has a fun, 5-minute bonding exercise to try – which will help you get to the heart of your growing family’s principles.

Here is what you need to do:

Grab some paper and a pen and set a timer for five minutes. Now, each of you writes down three things you liked about your childhood (“we always ate breakfast together)” and three things you didn’t (“my parents never let me have a pet”).

What will come from this, I hear you ask.

Well, you might just be surprised what this little note will say about the things that are important to you both (like spending quality time together and responsibility, for example).

Compare notes, and discuss. Some things you might easily agree on, others could require some conversations – and hopefully; by the time baby arrives, you will both feel like at least you are on the same page.