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01st Mar 2017

M&S has fancified the hot cross bun this year, and is it Easter already?

Katie Mythen-Lynch

The hot cross bun is as much as part of spring as yellow chicks and Easter eggs, but one supermarket is breaking from tradition this year by introducing a fancy new concept.

Marks & Spencer has launched the first savoury hot cross bun. It looks like a hot cross bun, with the same traditional cross topping, flecked with sultanas… but it tastes of cheese and onion.

The ‘Savoury Cheese Bun’ is made with a blend of two cheeses, juicy Turkish sultanas, onion, chives and of course the traditional hot cross bun spice mix. It’s said to be the perfect pairing of fruit and cheese.

We’ll be stuffing it with bacon for a gourmet rasher sandwich. *drool*

M&S still expect to sell a whopping 42 million of their traditional hot cross bun, but the new flavours are sure to move fast so grab ’em now (€2.70) at M&S stores nationwide.