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HelloFresh - Back to school


27th May 2018

5 movies on Netflix to spend your Sunday evening enjoying

Orlaith Condon

The perfect way to spend the day.

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a hundred times – Sunday evenings are best when relaxing with a good movie.

Yes, whether it’s a takeaway and beers combo or a face mask and hot chocolate type night, watching something on Netflix is the perfect way to spend the last few hours of your weekend.

However, deciding on what to watch can cause the mother of all arguments, so in a bid to avoid any added drama (pardon the pun) we’ve done some of the hard work for you.

From romance to thrillers, here are five films that are worth considering.

1. Our Souls At Night

Plot: After widowed neighbours, Addie and Louis, begin sleeping in bed together platonically to alleviate their loneliness, a real romance begins to blossom.


2. The Circle

Plot: A young woman lands a job at a powerful internet company but soon discovers that its lavish perks and gung-ho culture conceal a troubling agenda.


3. The Meddler

Plot: Stil-grieving widow Marnie moved to Los Angeles to be close to daughter Lori, but soon discovers new outlets for her maternal and romantic needs.

4. The Last Word

Plot: Harriet, a controlling, unloved business retiree, hires a young journalist to write her obituary – and then enlists her help in reshaping her legacy.


5. Mudbound

Plot: Two Mississippi families – one black, one white – confront the brutal realities of prejudice, farming and friendship in a divided World War II era.