More than 80% of readers think breastfeeding in public is acceptable in Ireland, with 18% saying they don’t.
The results from Maximum Media’s A Slice of Ireland survey of more than 20,000 Irish people revealed that 32% of our readers have breastfed, whilst 38% formula fed and 29.38% combined both breast and formula.
We’ve been busy at of late updating our readers regularly on the issues that affect one of the most natural things on this planet – the simple act of breastfeeding.
Both Facebook and Instagram have, this year, revised their policies to officially allow pictures of women breastfeeding. The updates come after backlash surrounding the censoring of breastfeeding photographs that were posted on the social media sites.
This also resulted in the rise of the brelfie (breastfeeding selfie), which not only was one of the most popular posts on our site to date, but has also been described as a celebration of motherhood by many online who say the photos help to kick-out against the taboo around breastfeeding in public.
For anyone breastfeeding; pregnant, thinking about it; considering it for a future pregnancy, we recently compiled twelve nuggets of wisdom from breastfeeding experts across the globe.
You, the reader, has spoken. By lending us your voice and opinions on topics like this, we have a sense of who you are, what your needs are, what you want to read about on our site, and exactly what it’s like to live as a parent in Ireland today.
Watch this space for more survey results across the week. And thanks to all who shared their daily insights into life as a parent today.