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05th Dec 2018

A dog in Glasgow narrowly avoided death after eating this festive treat

Amy Nolan

Mince pies are potentially lethal to dogs and we never knew.

Silly season is almost upon us and therefore we’re entirely justified to treat ourselves to a mince pie or two…or twenty.

Yes, mince pies are a favourite amongst the masses, but did you know that they are toxic for our four-legged friends? Apparently, the raisins and currants in the baked goods are less than favourable for dogs.

A Jack Russell-cross from Scottland had a very close call recently after he consumed a mince pie. As luck might have it, three-year-old McNab’s owner was an informed lady and rushed him to the vet.

According to the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, Magdalene Lawson, 70, rushed little McNab to Shamrock Street Pet Hospital in Glasgow, where vets provided emergency treatment. Thankfully, the little trooper pulled through and he has made a full recovery.

McNab’s owner explained what happened saying:

“I’d left my mince pie on the side to answer the door. Out of the corner of my eye I saw McNab sneaking out of the room, along with my mince pie!

I felt sick with worry – I knew just how poisonous a mince pie could before him.”

Magdalene was quick to react and immediately phoned PDSA who advised her to bring her dog straight to the vet where he was quickly treated.

A dog in Glasgow narrowly avoided death after eating this festive treat

PDSA vet Jennifer Penman praised the informed pet owner saying:

“Thankfully, Magdalene was aware of the danger and was quick to react when she realised what McNab had eaten. Things could have been much worse as the toxins from raisins, sultanas and currants can cause kidney failure or even death in dogs if left untreated.”

She added:

“With the festive season here, many of us will have lots of treats, sweets and chocolates in the house. But while Christmas can be a time for indulgence, it’s important to remember that some foods are very harmful to our pets. Foods including mince pies, chocolate, onions, raisins, grapes, some nuts, sage-and-onion stuffing and Christmas cake can all be harmful and should be kept safely out of paws’ reach.”

Jennifer suggests that if you want to treat your pets this Christmas, rather than giving them extra food, walk or play with them more frequently. But mince pies are a DEFINITE no-no!

Main Image Via PDSA.