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03rd May 2018

‘It broke me…’ Marissa Carter speaks about her heartbreaking miscarriages

Denise Curtin

“I had three miscarriages that truly nearly broke me.”

Today, Marissa Carter took to social media to reveal a very personal story about three miscarriages she endured before giving birth to her  first child, Charlie.

Opening up in a post, she said:

“Before we had our two beautiful children – I had three miscarriages that truly nearly broke me. I couldn’t leave our apartment for three months after the last one and I couldn’t bear to speak about it with my friends. When I was pregnant with Charlie – we were afraid to celebrate.”

Marissa felt now was the best time to share this information with the world given the important and life changing referendum to repeal the eight amendment this May 25.

Standing in a black jumper that says “Repeal”, Marrisa wrote:

“Repealing the 8th amendment isn’t about the value you place on life inside the womb. It’s not. It’s about a woman’s right to choose.

“Abortion is not a decision that any woman wants to make. It’s just not. I don’t need a list of why women might want or need an abortion – it’s not my place to judge. It’s no one’s. I stand #together4yes and I support every woman’s right to control her own body. We will #Repealthe8th. Now make sure you’re registered to vote!”

Marissa is among many high-profile figures who have spoken out in the past week on why we need to repeal the eight amendment and give women in Ireland the freedom and the power to choose what they want to do with their own bodies.

With only two weeks to go and many young people still not registered to vote, The National Youth Council of Ireland has issued a reminder urging all young people to register to vote in the upcoming referendum.

Not sure how? You can read all about it here.