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23rd Apr 2017

Citizens’ Assembly votes in favour of abortion without restriction up to 12 weeks

Alison Bough

The Citizens’ Assembly has voted in favour of abortion being legal without restriction up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

In a vote that took place this afternoon, members of the assembly were asked if women in Ireland should be allowed legal access to abortion without restriction. The members were given a variety of different voting options relating to gestational term limits.

The majority (48%) voted in favour of abortion being legal without restriction up to 12 weeks gestation.

Members voted on 13 reasons that they feel abortion should be lawful, with 36% voting that terminations should not be available without restriction.

An Oireachtas committee is currently being established to examine the Assembly’s recommendations and a report (based on the results of the voting as well as the assembly’s ballots) will be delivered by the end of June.

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