In recent days a lot of big events, including the St Patrick’s Day parade have been cancelled due to fears that they could cause coronavirus to spread.
Many local events have also decided not to go ahead in a bid to keep attendees safe including Earth Baby Fair which announced today that their April event will not be going ahead.
Organisers of the popular baby fair shared a statement to their Facebook page earlier today informing those expected to attend that the fair will no longer be going ahead.
They also wrote that they hope the event can be re-scheduled some time before the summer;
“Unfortunately due to concerns about Covid-19 we are going to cancel Earth Baby Fair, including the Great Cloth Diaper Change that was planned for Sunday 26th April 2020.
The safety of our volunteers, guests and families of Cloth Nappy Library Ireland is paramount.
Please bear with us as we get in contact with all prepaid tickets and stall holders to offer a full refund.If possible we will reschedule for the summer, before the school holidays start.”
While many are saddened by the news others commented that they feel the organisers are being very sensible and have made the right decision in calling off the fair.
“Good call, the right move. Well done for taking this seriously. I am already working from home and also limiting social engagements.”
With several confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ireland it’s likely that even more events will be cancelled in the coming days.
Coronavirus is spread in sneeze or cough droplets.To infect someone, the virus has to get from an infected person’s nose or mouth into another person’s eyes, nose or mouth.
For now the HSE are advising that everyone wash their hands regularly and avoid physical contact like hand shaking and hugging where possible.