Brilliant news.
Today the government have agreed to move forward with a scheme that would see young women receive free contraception.
The first stage of the scheme will be for women aged 17 to 25, but it will be opened up to further age groups on a phased basis.
The government has decided to start with the 17 to 25 age group as they see them as the cohort facing the greatest barrier to accessing contraception.
The scheme will provide for the cost of prescriptions, injections, and the fitting and or removal of long-term reversible contraceptive methods.
The administration of these methods, along with the necessary checks by medical professionals, will also be covered in the plan.
In a statement Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly said that the new scheme;
“particularly significant for those who are just above the means-tested limits for medical and GP visit cards, or who may still be in full-time education and financially dependent on parents and guardians.”
The new free contraception scheme is planned to be rolled out this coming August for the 17 to 25 age group, but hopefully we will see that age bracket extended within the next year.
As well as access to free methods of birth control women will also be able to avail of two consultations per year with doctors regarding their chosen method of contraception.
The government also plans to invest more funds in training additional medical personnel to fit and remove the longer lasting types of contraception available within the new scheme.