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13th Nov 2019

John Legend has been named Sexiest Man Alive and Chrissy’s tweets are GOLDEN

Olivia Hayes

We actually can’t get enough.

John Legend has been named as the Sexiest Man Alive by People Magazine.

The news was announced last night with a full spread interview of the singer – and of course, the dad-of-two also took part in a very lovely photoshoot.

However, we were more interested in Chrissy Teigen’s reaction.

An hour before the news went live, Chrissy tweeted that she had something to tell the world and that she was so excited, but added that it wasn’t another baby.

This definitely got people interested and to be honest, probably took over John’s actual announcement.

When she was allowed to share the news though, she came out with the best line on the internet (one we would all use if we were in the same position as her):


For the next few hours she followed that with a series of excellent tweets and we actually can’t get enough. She tweeted about the kids, about her updated bio and about wanting to *throw* someone who didn’t agree that John is the sexiest man ever:

If you’re wondering, her updated bio reads: “Currently sleeping with people’s sexiest man alive.”

Speaking of John, he told People in the Sexiest Man interview: “I was excited [when I found out], but I was a little scared at the same time because it’s a lot of pressure.

“Everyone’s going to be picking me apart to see if I’m sexy enough to hold this title. I’m [also] following Idris Elba, which is not fair and is not nice to me!”