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06th Jun 2016

This Kid’s Homework About Famous Proverbs Proves She’s going places!

Sive O'Brien

Kids, they say the funniest darn things. And write them too, and this child’s homework of finishing famous proverbs is really making us chuckle today. 

Little Bela’s homework has been posted on Reddit and the reader’s comments are just as genius as this little free-thinker’s school work style.


We love the last one the best. This is what some of the Reddit commenters had to say:

“I’m glad that Darth Vader is not here yet.”

“When the cat’s away, you will pay”. That’s ominous.

“‘All work and no play makes Jack happy’. This kid sounds like my boss.”

“Well shit, I didn’t know we weren’t supposed to put our eggs in there.”

“When we did these same sheets in 1997, my favorite response was, “don’t put all your eggs back in the chickens.”

“This kid lives in the real world. People with glass houses are rich.”

We love Bela’s unique take on the world, we reckon she’s going places, this one.

Do you have any of your children’s homework to share with us. Go on, give us a giggle, send it to: [email protected]