It’s a hard one.
If you live away from home and have a new baby it’s difficult to be away from family.
You want them there with you, but the logistics of it all means it’s just not possible.
This mum has found herself in a bit of a conundrum after she told her partner that she wants to visit family and friends before Christmas, but he doesn’t want to spend time away from his newborn baby.
The mother took to Mumsnet to explain her situation:
“I am 10 days PP and live 200 miles away from my family. DP is round the corner from his. I moved to his city so he can be near his elderly father.
“I want to visit my family for a week before Christmas. DP will be working so can’t come.
“He thinks IABU for wanting to take his 2 month old away from him. I think HIBU for trying to stop me.”
Many replied to her saying that they think both of them are being unreasonable and they need to come to some sort of agreement.
One wrote:
“I don’t think either of you are being particularly reasonable.
“You moved to accommodate his need to be near his elderly father. He should understand that you will want to see your family too. However I can understand him not wanting to be away from his new baby for a week.”
However, one user said that her husband is being unreasonable, and since she made sacrifices for him, he should do the same for her:
“It’s completely natural you would want to take your baby to visit your extended family over the holiday period. It’s a shame he has no remaining leave but life’s full of choices.
“You sacrifice regularly seeing your family so he can be on hand for his. He can sacrifice seeing his baby during a week he’s at work anyway so you can visit your loved ones. Relationships involve compromise.”
What do you think she should do?