In an absurd and terrifying event, mum Blaise Deacon – from near Bromley in Kent – nearly had her daughter taken from her by a complete stranger while holidaying in Spain.
During the family holiday in Majorca, mum and her 23-month-old daughter named Darcie were sitting outside of their hotel when a woman approached them, holding out her arms saying she was going to take little Darcie. At the time, dad had gone to use the bathroom while mum and her sister Kealy were minding the little tot.
At around 11pm, the woman who has been described as having blonde hair and dark skin approached the three family members and attempted to snatch Darcie from her mother’s lap. According to The Irish Sun, Blaise explained,
“I held on tight and my sister told [the woman] no… When the woman realised she wasn’t getting her, she took off running. I chased her and she ran out of the hotel into a car.”
The car which had its engine left running while parked right by the hotel premises aided the woman’s escape. The family immediately informed the local police and spent hours going through CCTV footage of the hotel – HYB Eurocalas Hotel in Calas de Mallorca.
The gruelling and terrifying experience occurred on day two of the holiday, but the family remained at the hotel for the rest of the trip as the onslaught of police and security helped them to feel safe.