There has been many a time that I’ve had to walk onto a busy road with my pram because the path was blocked by a parked car.
Not only is this incredibly inconsiderate it’s also dangerous for parents with small children in tow to have to wander into traffic.
Police in the UK are starting to clamp down on drivers who park their cars in a way that obstructs parents and other pedestrians from being able to use the pavement.
Authorities in Oldham, Manchester recently posted on Facebook with a photograph stating what would happen to drivers who blocked pathways;
“Vehicles parking on the footpath taking up pedestrian space is dangerous and puts people’s lives at risk. This lady with her pram had to walk around the vehicle to pass by going into the roadway.
Driver Spoken to and stern warning issued with a fine as next step.
Please be considerate guys and park properly.”
Many people commented on how the issue in the town has been affecting them;
“I walk with a pram and a 4yr old down to school and I can guarantee every morning we have to go into the road because of parking like this.”
In older towns and cities that have very narrow paths this is a particular problem and while fines for repeat offenders is a good idea maybe more free car parks would also help ease the issue.
What do you think? Should drivers who block path access be fined?
Let us know your thoughts on our Facebook page or by tweeting us at @herfamilydotie.