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23rd Mar 2016

This 5 Year-old Dialled 911 For Her Dad And She Is AMAZING

Sharyn Hayden

My son is almost five and I’m pretty sure he would have no idea of what to do in an emergency.

(Note to self: change that situation immediately.)

This incredible five-year-old girl in the States dialled 911 when her dad had trouble breathing in order to get an ambulance sent to their apartment.

Listen to the recorded call as Savannah talks the operator through what’s wrong and keeps her dad company until the paramedics arrive.

Warning: it will 100% make you shed a tear – she is so incredible.

A 5-year-old dials 911 because her daddy can’t breath. What happens next, is exceptional!

Posted by on Monday, March 14, 2016

I think this would be a great video to show our own kids to teach them about what to do in an emergency, how about you?

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