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13th Apr 2016

This Is The Moment A Mum Got Caught With Her Pants Down (Literally)

Sharyn Hayden

We parents may complain about different elements of our parenting lives but there is one thing that seems to be a common denominator for most: never getting to pee alone.

My two kids – and sometimes, dog – just love following me into the loo.

It used to be just our dog, Pearl, in our pre-baby days who would nudge the door open with her nose and then just stand there, staring at me.

I know.. creepy.

Then there is Jacob (now 4) who not only rocks into the bathroom while I’m in the shower to put in his order for breakfast, but who also still demands that I accompany him while he does a Number Two – and locks eyes with me while he does it.

Yes, again.. creepy.

Eva (1) isn’t really fussed about me heading off to do my business, but if her dad so much as dares to close that bathroom door behind him and lock her out, the tantrums that ensue could rival anything you have ever seen in a Big Brother Diary Room.

This mum’s Facebook post has recently gotten a lot of attention – partly because Constance Hall is a really popular Australian blogger and also because it’s just too funny.

Just when you think you’re safe.. YOU’RE NEVER SAFE!

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