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HelloFresh - Back to school


07th Dec 2018

This tea towel is an absolute must have for anyone with a big Irish family

Melissa Carton

I come from a huge family!

I see most of my extended family on a regular basis and explaining who is who to people outside of my family can be a headache.

Once we leave the ‘first cousin’ realm I’m lost. Are they my second cousin or my first cousin once removed? Are they a cousin at all? To be honest it’s gotten to the stage where I have to just say that they are either my first cousin or ‘not my first cousin’.

If like me you have a large Irish family, don’t worry, help is at hand in the form of an everyday kitchen aid…a tea towel.

Available from Present Indicative this unassuming tea towel is your one stop shop when it comes to figuring out who your mum’s cousin Maggie’s kid is to you.

It’s super helpful not only for cousins but also for sorting out the great-aunt and great-uncle confusion.

Priced at €11 it’s money well spent if it saves you having to take out an account with and researching your entire family tree every time someone asks who Michael is.

It would also make an amazing stocking filler for someone else in your family, so you can all know how you’re related to one another.