Would you and your child like to take part?
The Infant and Child Research Lab at Trinity College Dublin is currently looking for two-year-old children to take part in their latest study.
The study requires two-year-old children who were born prematurely and their parents and will take place on the Trinity College campus in Dublin.
During the study you and your child will visit the Infant and Child research lab at a time and date that is convenient to you.
Your visit will take approximately one and a half to two hours.
During your visit your child will complete short cognitive and language tasks.
Researchers at the lab will also observe you and your child while you play with fun toys.
Before your visit the Infant and Child research lab will email you an online questionnaire about you and your child.
The Infant and Child research lab are researchers in the School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, studying how parents and children interact and how this affects development.
Their research studies aims to find out about how parents and children react and respond to each other when they play together, how they shape each other’s behaviour, and how this affects different aspects of growing up such as learning to talk.
If you or anyone you know is interested in taking part in their latest study you can contact the Infant and Child research lab at [email protected] for more information.
You can also sign up for the study through the Trinity College website portal here.