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29th Mar 2018

This company has been voted the best place to work in Ireland

Olivia Hayes

It has been voted the best place to work in Ireland for the second year in a row.

Every now and again, we get fed up in our jobs. Whether it’s an annoying colleague or unsociable working hours, everyone can find problems in their workplace.

However, it seems tech heads in Ireland have it easier than the rest of us as, according to the latest research by Indeed.

In a survey carried out by the job site, it found that the ‘Best Place to Work in Ireland’ is… *drum roll* Dell.

Image result for dell ireland

Five tech companies are included in the top ten, so it seems they are indeed the best place to work.

Here are the top ten companies:

  1. Dell
  2. Apple
  3. Comfort Keepers
  4. Next PLC
  5. Google
  6. Irish Defence Forces
  7. Boots
  8. Spar
  9. HP
  10. Intel

Paul Wolfe, Indeed’s Senior Vice President of Human Resources said of the findings: “Companies have recognised for some time that there is more to employee satisfaction than remuneration.

“While attractive perks and flexible working conditions are often associated with the arrival of US tech names in the Irish market, this year’s rankings show that investment in people is being prioritised right across a range of sectors, from retail to technology and from healthcare to hospitality.”

Stores such as Penneys, Debenhams, Brown Thomas, Boots, Marks & Spencer and McDonald’s were also highly ranked.