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HelloFresh - Back to school


27th Apr 2015

We asked, you answered: The results of our ‘A Slice of Ireland’ survey are IN…

Here's a snapshot of what life is like as a parent in Ireland today...

Sive O'Brien

We asked YOU to be part of our A Slice of Ireland survey, which was carried out across all our parent company Maximum Media Network’s sites:, and too.

A whopping 20,000 respondents responded across all four sites to tell us about your lives in Ireland today.

Topics surveyed included employment and working in Ireland, politics, the upcoming equality referendum, and attitudes towards childcare and breastfeeding have given us a brilliant snapshot of what life is like for a parent in Ireland.

Over the next few days, we’ll break down our findings for you, but here’s a little peek of what you told us is happening in your lives, today.

  • The reader is 25 – 44 but the core group is a thirty-something.
  • The majority of you are working – 48% working full-time, 21% part-time, 15% are not employed and are not looking for a job.
  • Most of you have either babies, toddlers or children in Junior School.
  • You’re big into Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp, with 37% checking your social media accounts every 2- 3 hours, 16% multiple times per hour… (you know who you are!)
  • 68% of you get your news via social media every day.
  • 34% are only moderately interested in politics.
  • 79% think the Government is NOT doing a good job.
  • 94% will vote in the next General Elections, but a whopping 62% don’t know who they will vote for…
  • 86% will vote YES in the Marriage Equality Referendum.
  • 61% don’t get enough time to yourselves… and when you do get some ‘me time’ – wait for it, you do housework (really?) meets friends, go shopping and exercises.
  • The majority of your monthly budget goes on household expenses and your mortgage, but when you do have any disposable income, you spend it on… wait for it, clothes, eating out and travel. Of course!
  • 34% use your family for childcare and only 18% use a crèche.
  • The division of labour is not so equal in your homes (in any?) with 65% of you cleaning the house, 75% doing the laundry and 60% cooking in your homes…
  • 54% of your employers do NOT pay maternity benefits.
  • 29% have used a combination of breastfeeding and formula feeding for your babies.
  • 81% think breastfeeding in public is acceptable in Ireland today (phew).
  • 56% are working to pay for childcare and stay on the career ladder.

Here’s the breakdown of what our collective readers told us… watch this space for more of these insightful results this week.