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23rd Apr 2015

Woman swallowed by huge hole outside café

The woman is recovering in hospital

Katie Mythen-Lynch

A woman is recovering in hospital after being swallowed by a huge hole that opened up beneath her feet this morning…


Onlookers reacted in horror as the woman, who early reports said was pushing a pram but who was really pushing a shopping trolley, disappeared down the hole, which appeared in the street outside a coffee shop in the middle of the North End Road in Fulham in the UK.

hole 3

According to witnesses, the woman was trapped inside the hole until emergency services arrived at the scene to rescue her. London Ambulance Service later confirmed they had attended the incident on Twitter:


Onlooker ktkittenkat posted these incredible photos to Instagram, adding: “OMG! Poor woman and pram just disappeared down this hole on North End Rd. Shes stuck down there,”




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