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06th Jan 2020

Modern dads spend three times more time with their kids than other generations

Melissa Carton

This is brilliant.

Recent research shows that dads today spend more time on average with their children than any other generation of fathers.

In fact, it was found that statistically modern fathers spend up to three times more time interacting with their children.

Parenting roles have changed a lot over the last couple of decades and it’s no longer just assumed that mums will take on all of the baby and childcare duties.

Modern dads are actively involved in the raising of their children whether it’s changing nappies, doing night feeds, bringing them to and from school or bedtime stories.

A survey carried out in America discovered that only three per cent of dads had never changed a nappy, meaning that a staggering 97 per cent had.

According to Motherly, dads being more hands-on doesn’t only take the pressure off mum but also helps with the social development of the children.

Seeing their dads prepare meals, wash dishes and take on half the childcare helps young children to understand equality between the genders and that there is no such thing as ‘men’s or women’s work’.

This new revision of traditional gender roles can be seen in schools across Ireland, with more schools teaching home economics in boy’s schools rather than it just being seen as a subject for girls.

For too long dads believed that looking after their children would have people question their masculinity but with celebrity dads like The Rock, Ashton Kutcher and Ryan Reynolds openly sharing photos of themselves baby-wearing and practising skin to skin contact, that attitude is quickly changing.

I know in my house it’s still ‘mam’ that gets shouted out when something can’t be found but in all other aspects it’s 50/50 as to who the kids will run to for help or even just a hug.