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31st Mar 2019

As a boy mum, this video about raising sons is so spot on I could have made it

Melissa Carton

Slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails…

According to the nursery rhyme, that’s what little boys are made of and I can’t disagree. I also find the statement that little boys are ‘noise with dirt on them’ extremely accurate.

Don’t get me wrong even though my son is a nuisance for turning every corner in our home into a wrestling ring, he is actually easier to manage than my daughter. While boys may be noisy mess makers, they are still pretty straight forward. There are just a few things you need to know, especially about one area in particular.

Fellow parent Kristina Kuzmic put together this helpful step by step guide on all you need to know about parenting a boy and it’s so spot on I could have made it myself.

I think any boy mammy will agree on all of this. When it comes to boy nappy changes dodging skills are a must and you may as well get yourself a Hazmat suit when it comes to potty training.

Still, aside from feeling like you’re being used as target practice, once you keep them fed boys are generally grand. Just remember to check the bathroom floor before you walk in wearing socks.