There are lots of old wives’ tales and historic traditions that claim to predict whether you’re having a boy or a girl.
To note, these have no scientific backing and we are NOT saying that these will definitely tell you if you’re having a boy or girl.
In other words, we wouldn’t pick a colour for the nursery based on these, but they are a bit of fun!
The bump says it all
It is believed that the answer to the gender question is in the positioning and shape of your bump. If it’s higher up, it points to a girl. If it’s lower down and forward, it points to a boy.
Morning sickness (ugh!)
As far as we’re concerned, morning sickness is morning sickness and it’s not pleasant. End of. However, baby whisperers claim being ill in the first 12 weeks signifies a girl. It is also said that you have less sickness with a boy.
They say that if your unborn baby’s heartbeat is over 140 beats per minute, you’ll be welcoming a daughter. Under and you’re having a son.
It’s all in the skin
Is your hair thicker? Is the stubble on your legs worse than ever? Are your hands dry? These all point towards the blue. If you’ve broken out in spots, it is believed to be an indicator that you’ll be getting pink balloons.
The ring test
Tie a wedding band onto a piece of string and place it over your right palm. If it swings in circles, it’s a girl. If it swings back and forth in a straight line, it’s a boy. (However this alternates depending on who you talk to!)
Those damn cravings
In keeping with the rhyme, all things sweet points towards a little girl. Meanwhile sour indicates a boy. Our question is what if you’re just eating EVERYTHING in sight?
A key is the key
If you have a pregnant friend, set a key down in front of her and ask her to pick it up. If she chooses the long thin bit, it’s a girl; the round bit, it’s a boy. Similarly, you can ask to see their hands. Palms down equals a boy, palms up equals a girl.