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22nd Mar 2020

This chart uses Easter eggs to show how your cervix dilates and it’s eye-opening

Melissa Carton

Well, I will officially never look at an Easter egg the same way again.

I’m seeing a lot of Easter egg related pictures pop up in my home feed but this one really is food for thought.

It can sometimes be hard to visualise what your cervix dilating looks like when it’s being described in ante-natal classes but not anymore.

Now I have a very clear idea of what my cervix looked like at each stage of my labour and buying Kinder eggs for my kids is going to feel a little different in future.

Yesterday I was watching the episode of Friends were Rachel goes into labour and she’s trying to figure out what her three-centimetre dilation looks like.

According to this chart posted by Kalma Mamas, it would look approximately like a Dime chocolate egg.

The one that really makes me go wow is, of course, the main event. The ten centimetre Cadbury egg.

Now I know I managed to push a tiny person out of my body but I had a very different view of the events on the actual day.

Actually seeing just how wide things get in Easter egg form is a very different experience.