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Labour + birth

22nd Aug 2021

A graphic video explains why ‘vaginal stretching’ can help with the pain of childbirth

Trine Jensen-Burke

If ever two words were enough to make you cringe, ladies, I bet “vaginal stretching” are just the ones.

But if you have never encountered the term vaginal self-stretching, you (might) have been missing out. At least if the people behind YouTube channel Gentle Birth are to be believed, as they claim this, ehm, hands-on method can actually help you have an easier labour and delivery.

I mean; I think most of us would be pro making childbirth as painless as possible, I just don’t know if this is something I would be willing to try out for myself…

But if you are intrigued, here is a video Dr Gowri Motha, the obstetrician and creator of The Gentle Birth Method, has created to show women how they can safely achieve the ultimate ‘stretchy vagina’.

(Watch at your own risk, mamas!)