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18th Jun 2017

Your baby at 36 weeks pregnant: Week-by-week guide to development

And you're almost there!


Welcome to week 36 of your pregnancy! This week, your baby is as big as a papaya. Here’s what else you can expect this week.

Your baby

At 36 weeks, your little one is about 47 centimetres long and weighs approximately 2.7 kilograms. Most of their major organs and systems are fully developed. They’re busy fine-tuning things like their digestive system, and their immune system is getting stronger every day. Your baby is nearly ready to meet you, so keep monitoring their movements and don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare team if something feels different.


Week 36 – you’re almost there! You might be experiencing a mix of emotions as your due date approaches. Discomfort can be high as your baby continues to grow, making it harder to sleep and find a comfortable position. Swollen feet and ankles are likely, but elevating your legs can help. In Ireland, nearly 40,000 babies were born in 2020, so many mams-to-be are right there with you. Remember to rest, take deep breaths, and make time for yourself as you prepare for the final stretch.

Use breast pads to soak up the colostrum coming from those leaking breasts. You may be itchy, particularly on your belly and breasts, and you may even have developed a rash. Use a non-mineral oil, but don’t forget to tell your midwife or doctor about any itching.

Worried about giving birth? Don’t be. These three brilliant mind hacks will help you start looking forward to the day your bundle of joy arrives.

Anything else?

Now’s the time to make sure all your preparations are in order. Your hospital bag should be packed and waiting by the door with essentials for both you and your baby. And remember, you’ve got this. The discomfort and anxiety are just signs that the finish line is in sight. Try to enjoy these last weeks of pregnancy – soon, you’ll be holding your baby in your arms.