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HelloFresh - Back to school


25th Feb 2018

A radio DJ gave birth LIVE on air and the recording is beautiful

Jade Hayden

Cassiday Proctor is a DJ from Missouri.

Up until last week, Cassiday was working at a radio station, heavily pregnant, and not expecting her baby to arrive for two more weeks.

However, in true unborn baby style, her son decided to arrive a bit early  – most notably, while Cassiday was working.

The mum-to-be’s baby was breach which meant that she had to a have a C-section, but that didn’t stop Cassiday from wanting all of her radio show’s listeners to experience the birth with her.

We’re not entirely sure if we’d be up for the same thing to be honest, but fair play to her for involving them all anyway.

Cassiday told local news station KSDK that she and her husband rushed to the hospital and asked whether it would be possible for him to hold a phone up while their child was being born.

Later, the new mum said that it was “really cool” to be able to share the birth of their son with the show’s listeners as they had been following her pregnancy for the past nine months.

“The only part I was nervous about was bringing a child into the world,” said Cassiday. “The part about putting it on the radio, I do that every day.”

Listeners’ involvement didn’t stop there though.

Cassiday even enlisted their help to help name their baby boy, and even though some of them gave some questionable suggestions, the end result wasn’t too bad at all.

Once he arrives, baby Jameson can be heard crying as dad Jerry says: “Here he is.”

You can listen to the moment in full here.