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HelloFresh - Back to school


16th Jun 2017

Whitney Port’s baby shower is pretty much the chicest thing we have seen

Not a stork or pastel colour in sight.

Trine Jensen-Burke

She is mere weeks away from meeting her first-born baby, so it really is no wonder that Whitney Port wanted to celebrate this special time in her life with a lil’ party.

The designer and former Hills star and her husband, Tim Rosenman,  got together about 50 of their closest friends and family at the SIXTY Beverly Hills Hotel roof terrace and toasted the the imminent arrival of Baby Rosenman with a gorgeous bash.

Unsurprisngly, the event, which was thrown by Port’s mum and sisters, was elegant, fun and laid-back; and a testimony to that certain California style, really.

The best bit? It proved that baby showers can be completely devoid of tacky and kitch decorations.

With the venue (and in particular the view) being so utterly gorgeous, little decorations were needed, letting the food (organic popcorn, charcuterie, artisan BBQ, and ice cream sandwiches) – and glowing mama-to-be shine.

So, so pretty!