To most expectant mamas, one of the single most exciting things about pregnancy is finally finding out your baby’s gender.
Some opt to do so at the hospital scan – while others (me included) decide to wait until the day the baby is born to find out if you are having a baby girl or a baby boy.
But before you find out for sure, the guessing game can really keep a girl entertained (I speak from experience!). Cold hands? Girl! Glowing skin? Boy! Basketball-shaped bump? Girl! Craving savoury treats? Boy! I could literally keep myself busy for hours!
But while old wives’ tales might not be the most accurate way of knowing, many claim this ancient Chinese gender prediction chart is freakishly on point when it comes to letting you know if there is a boy or a girl on the way.
The chart is said to have been found in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing, and it has been doing the rounds on social media lately, with many claiming it is a whopping 90% accurate in predicting the sex of your unborn baby.
It works by matching up your age at the time of conception and the month in which you conceived. Then simply follow the table to see what gender your baby is/will be.
G’wan, we bet you just HAVE to try!
Disclaimer: We can’t tell you if it works for everyone (but it totally did for mine!).
What do YOU think, mamas? Is it spookily accurate or just total nonsense?