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24th May 2019

Irish parenting blogger gives birth to her daughter on her living room floor

Melissa Carton

One mum got a big surprise when she suddenly went into labour at home.

Love of Living writer Tracey Quinn was shocked when her daughter came so quickly this week that she couldn’t make it to the hospital.

The parenting and lifestyle blogger, who had posted all throughout her pregnancy, took to social media to share the news with her fans.

Tracey wrote on her Facebook page;

“Our daughter, Willow.
Born this morning at 9am on our living room floor delivered with the help of the wonderful @dubfirebrigade, Daddy Peter and nanna Maureen.
We are in love, in awe and a little bit in shock at how it all happened.”


Tracey later shared another post showing off her new baby girl with her big brother explaining more of what happened.

“On Tuesday I was trying to plan a lunch date for today after my midwife appointment. My mam laughed and joked saying my lunch might be tea and toast on a tray in the Coombe.

Beyond grateful to be waking up on my due date with my beautiful baby girl in the bed beside me snuggled up with the proudest and most loving big brother Billy. He is besotted beyond words. We all are. She has captured our hearts and the world will never be the same again.

Willow, thank you for the most earth-shaking, intense and beautiful experience of giving birth. When I got home last night I felt very very overwhelmed. Seeing my living room and trying to make sense of what happened just the day before. Remembering all of the faces, the commotion and the sense of panic as something so intense took over me.

After some sleep I’m feeling a wave of calm today. I was panicking last night wondering how does “normal” life ever resume. I can’t even imagine how you just keep the house afloat again. How you cook and tidy up and be there for people again. LlAnd right now I think the answer is… you just don’t. You bathe in the bubble of love and you just mind your little person. And your little self. You come together and start a new life as a family. “

Mum and baby are both doing fine and we can’t wait to hear more about Tracey and her gorgeous new addition.