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Early years

06th Sep 2024

Mum’s ‘looking loudly’ hack helps find her missing child in minutes


There is no worse feeling than being in a public space and suddenly realising you don’t have eyes on your child.

The panic and dread that washes over us, there is nothing worse than that experience.

As we all have likely had this happen when our children run off, especially in playgrounds, one mum’s “looking loudly” method can help you resolve the issue in minutes.

Taking to TikTok, a mum named Krista shared the hack after taking her son and her three-year-old daughter, Lily, to an indoor children’s play area.

It’s places like this that children run off and disappear in seconds, and like any of us, we naturally shout out their name to find them.

After Krista couldn’t see her daughter, she also began shouting her name but soon discovered that this may not be the best tactic.

@krista.piper I lost my 3 year old todah in a play place and thank god for tiktok – I’m so happy i saw that tiktok of what to do when your kid goes missing. I found her fast by raising my voice and saying a description of what she was wearing. Should have added her age or hair color but the description if little girl with pink minnie mouse shirt got thr job done finding her. #parents #parentsoftiktok #playplace ♬ original sound – Krista | Booktok | Home life

Noticing the play area had a “lot of nooks and crannies” her daughter may have hidden in, she revealed she had a “light bulb” moment when looking for her and recalled a TikTok she had once seen.

The video sees a mum calling out a description of her son after losing him in a supermarket and was able to find him much quicker.

The “looking loudly” method allowed other people in the vicinity to be able to join in the search rather than relying only on the child to hear their name.

Krista explained: “I stopped calling out her name, I started yelling ‘little girl, pink shirt, pink Minnie Mouse shirt’ […] I’m sure people thought that I was a little crazy.”

While it felt like a lifetime to Krista, other mums began repeating the description and it wasn’t long before she was spotted.

All in all, Lily was only away from her mum for a minute and a half and was located so quickly thanks to this hack.

She continued: “So [public service announcement], if you ever lose your child, or dog, or anything, yell out their description, raise your voice.