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Baby's health

20th Aug 2024

This mum’s nifty trick for dealing with a teething toddler is a total game changer


Got a teething toddler on your hands?

If you’ve got a teething toddler at home then we’re here to help.

This simple trick previously shared by a toddler mum on the popular parenting forum on Reddit might just work.

Explaining that her daughter was teething, the mum shared that after a day of discomfort and distress, she had tried pretty much everything.

“I tried a popsicle, frozen green bean, and a frozen washcloth. [She] didn’t want anything to do with those,” she explains, noting that her daughter was so miserable she wouldn’t even eat her lunch.

“In a panic, I grabbed a piece of bread and handed it to her. And now she’s happy eating it walking around the house. Talking away and giving Mommy kisses.”

Other parents thought this was a pretty hilariously simple fix, with some revealing that their kids also knew that a slab of carbs made all the difference to their mood – and sore gums.

“Bread is my go-to when my toddler suddenly ‘doesn’t like’ foods that she’d have happily scoffed the day before,” one noted. “If I can tell she is just being fussy then bread and butter is what she has. Kids are so weird but whatever keeps them happy and with a full tummy I guess!”

“Oh my gosh, I’ve done the exact same thing with my 16-month-old! My husband was so confused and I was like, ‘dude it worked. Don’t question it’,” another mum commented.

A third mum noted that this summed up mum life perfectly.

“God I relate to this so much. I feel like parenting a baby is giving them random things until you finally get it right.”

And sure look – it might sound like a very simple solution to the issue of teething – but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. And let’s face it – after a day of crying and discomfort, you’re pretty much willing to try anything!

“I don’t know why, but that slice of bread saved me today,” this mum confirms, keen to share this easy remedy in case it helped another family.” It’s definitely going to be a go-to for me when all else fails.

Note: It is super-important to supervise your toddler if they are eating – especially things like bread.