If there’s one stage of babyhood that us parents dread, it’s the teething stage.
My little girl is in full-blown teething mode at the moment as most people can tell by the hand luggage sized bags under my eyes.
Even though we generally know what this phase itself will entail, mostly a cranky baby, knowing what’s going on inside their mouth is a different story.
My daughter currently has two little razor shape teeth on her bottom gum which she likes to test out on me, but there are definitely a couple more making their way through.
Knowing where the next pair are due to appear is handy to know because then I can avoid that part of her mouth with my fingers, though she usually figures out a way to try out her chops on me anyway.
Now while every child is unique and may receive their teeth in a different order, most children can expect for them to arrive in this order.
The front lower teeth are generally the first to show, which is very true in the case of my baby.
The chart not only depicts when and where your child’s teeth will appear but also which ones will be for keeps.
The blue teeth on the chart represent baby teeth that will eventually fall out, while the white teeth represent those which are permanent.
Dentists recommend that you buy a toothbrush and toothpaste suitable for babies once the first tooth appears and get your baby used to having their teeth brushed regularly.
Your child will be visited by a dentist at their primary when they begin school but some parents start to bring their child for visits from the age of one.
Even with baby teeth, sugary treats should be kept to a minimum to avoid tooth decay.