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Early years

11th May 2020

Time for their first toothbrush! 5 signs your little one is teething

Anna Daly

Brought to you by Easofen

The little gnashers are finally coming down.

Or are they? Until you can see those little white tips peeking out from your baby’s gums, it can sometimes be hard to tell.

There are a few common signs, however, that a lot of babies show when they start teething. If you notice your little one doing some of these and they’re around teething age, chances are it’s probably time to pick up their first toothbrush.

So, here they are, 5 of the most common symptoms for teething babies.

1. More biting or sucking than usual

If you’ve noticed your little one is biting or sucking on their toys even more than they usually would be, that is often a sign that teeth are coming down. Teething can cause some pressure and pain in a baby’s gums so they will often bite or suck in an attempt to relieve that pressure.

2. Drooling. Lots of drooling.

In the same way that people with braces often drool more when they sleep, some babies will start to drool buckets when their teeth start growing because their mouth isn’t used to the unfamiliar extra parts that have suddenly arrived. The drooling in itself is not a problem but it can sometimes cause a rash around your baby’s mouth or can lead to dehydration if your baby is drooling a particularly large amount. So best to keep an eye out for signs of either of those.

3. Loss of appetite

Even though your babies may be chewing more, you may notice them eating less because of a decreased appetite caused by the pain and discomfort of teething. If you notice a drop in your baby’s appetite, make sure to pick up a pain reliever such as Easofen for Children Strawberry Oral Suspension to help ease your little one’s pain.

4. Difficulty sleeping and irritability

No one likes pain, especially not babies who aren’t even able to make sense of it to themselves. All they know is that their mouth hurts and it’s not stopping. So, naturally, that’s going to make them pretty cranky. And to make matters even worse, the pain often leads to a disrupted night’s sleep which, as all parents know, does not a happy baby make.

5. A slight fever

Many babies who are teething develop what is known as “teething fever”. It is a slightly elevated body temperature caused by the teething but does not reach high-temperature levels. This fever can be eased and helped with pain reliever for children, such as Easofen for Children Strawberry Oral Suspension. If your baby has a fever that persists or a temperature that is above 38°C, contact their GP.

Teething is a big milestone in your little one’s life but, unfortunately for them, it can be an uncomfortable one too. However, it doesn’t have to be. If your baby has discomfort from teething or from other aches and pains, including earaches, headaches, sprains, or sore throats, you can treat them with Easofen for Children Strawberry Oral Suspension 3+ months.

Easofen for Children Strawberry Oral Suspension contains ibuprofen, which is a painkiller and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. The strawberry-flavoured oral suspension is pleasant tasting and the dosing syringe included means that it’s easy to measure and administer. It is also sugar-free and colour-free.  Easofen for Children Strawberry Oral Suspension also comes in their Six Years Plus version for older kids. Both are available in all good pharmacies.

There’s no reason why your little ones should have to suffer through any discomfort and, after all, a happy baby makes a happy mum.

Brought to you by Easofen

Easofen for Children Strawberry Oral Suspension contains Ibuprofen and provides pain and fever relief for babies* and children. Easofen for children is also free from artificial colours, sugar, and is gluten-free. Packs contain a syringe for accurate and easy dosing. Available in pharmacy only. Always read the label.

*Easofen for Children Strawberry 100mg/5ml is for infants from 3+ months and should only be given to infants aged 3-6 months who weight more than 5kg.