The threat of terrorism in Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey has sent sun seekers scrambling for the best deals in Spain and Portugal this year, with prices rocketing by up to 12 per cent.
A total of 38 people, including three Irish citizens, were murdered by a lone Islamist gunman as they relaxed on the beach in the Port El Kantaoui resort on June 26 last year. The massacre followed the March attack at the Bardo National Museum in central Tunis in which 24 people were killed in the incident, including 20 foreign tourists.
The Department of Foreign Affairs is advising holidaymakers to avoid non-essential travel to Tunisia in light of increased security concerns. The Department is also advising against all non-essential travel to Egypt, with the exception of Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada and other Red Sea resorts outside the Sinai peninsula, where travelers are advised to exercise caution.
There is a high risk of terrorism in Morocco, which may target areas where tourists gather such as hotels, bars and beaches, while in Turkey, vigilance is required in tourist areas such as Taksim Square in Istanbul and locations close to police stations, which may be targets for terrorist attacks.
Speaking to the Irish Mirror, Irish Travel Agents’ Association chief Pat Dawson said there is an increased demand for so-called “safer” routes like Spain, Portugal, France and some long haul destinations.
“For example, if a family room cost €100 a night in Spain, it could now be an extra €12 a night.
“Price increases are more noticeable in the Canary Islands than anywhere else. Prices and value is driven by supply and demand.” he said.
Have you been forced to change your holiday plans because of safety concerns this year? Let us know on Twitter @HerFamilydotie.