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Travel + Fun

04th Jul 2017

Hit the road! 7 items EVERY parent should always keep in the car

Gillian Fitzpatrick

Brought to you by Citroën 

“Don’t make me stop this car!”

However, if you pack it up with the right gear you’ll never have to utter that ultimate mum-in-a-car threat again.

Yes, your car should be a glorious, self-contained ecosystem, with everything you need for a clean and peaceful journey tucked into its various nooks and crannies.

Consider this your mobile parental survival kit. Certainly, you won’t want to leave home without it… or you’ll get lost on back roads in search of the only shop for miles to pay a squillion euro for dusty provisions:

Travel car family

  1. Wipes and tissues: Total no-brainer; kids = fluids, be they spills or accidents. Some part of the child; the car or yourself will invariably need a swipe of a wet wipe.
  2. Change of clothes: Required when the overall surface area is beyond wiping, such as a face plant into the sea/ mud/ cowpat. Occasionally update the spare outfit, as there’s little point in trying to wiggle your age six child into age three leggings.
  3. Sealed snacks and water: Non-perishable treats for the settling of disputes; bribing of offspring and general placation. Mini rice-cakes; fruit roll-ups or popcorn will do the trick; you could use chocolate but the car is a very confined space for a sugar high.
  4. First-aid pack: Very sensible and makes you feel like a hero if you have to do a field dressing for a grazed knee. Plasters with cartoon characters have magic healing properties, and ice-packs activated by breaking a chemical capsule are a gem for bumps on the noggin.
  5. A sense of FUN: Let’s face it – parenting at the best of times can be decidedly unpredictable. However,  going with the flow and not getting too overwhelmed by the challenges that come with travelling with children goes a loooonng way. So sit back, enjoy the ride, and try to smile when  your child asks “are we there yeeettttt?” for the 17th time.
  6. In-car phone charger: You may need to use your phone for entertainment purposes during traffic jams. Keep a Ziploc bag of colouring gear and small toys inside the car (not in boot), and a CD you all enjoy. Belting out Lady Gaga harmonies at top volume is a deeply bonding experience.
  7. Sunscreen and umbrellas: It’s Ireland; you never know what our slightly schizophrenic summer weather will bring… you may need to use both on the same day!