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Travel + Fun

27th May 2017

Single parents could pay more for family holidays than two-parent families

Anna O'Rourke

Taking the kids away on your own this summer?

You could end up spending more than families with two parents.

New research has found that single parents could be paying significantly more per person for family trips.

Parents travelling on their own with one child could pay up to 28 per cent more for the same holiday as two adults with one child, according to Sky News.

A comparison of offers from a number of popular holiday providers found that the difference in pricing ranged from 16 to 28 per cent compared to two-adult holidays.

It also found that many of the free child places included in offers only applied when two adults were travelling.

“I think it’s crazy, it’s symptomatic of a bigger disease,” said Ian Strafford-Taylor, chief executive of FairFX, which carried out the research.

“The pricing models they use are from a different century and life and society is changing.

“People go online more and people’s family units are changing all the time so holiday companies need to adapt and start offering a discount to single parents.”

This research was based on UK holiday providers, but is this the case in Ireland? Let us know in the Facebook comments.