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12th Jan 2017

This 2-Second Test Will Tell You If You Are Dehydrated

Katie Mythen-Lynch

Worried you’re not drinking enough water?

We all know the symptoms of dehydration (dark yellow wee, fuzzy memory, low energy) but if you have stepped up your fluids game and you’re simply wondering if you’re getting enough on a daily basis, there is a very straightforward way to check.

Simply pinch the skin on the back of your hand, gently pulling it upwards. If the skin remains in a ‘tent’ shape, rather than snapping back into place immediately, it means your skin may be losing elasticity due to loss of fluids.

The remedy? Keep that water bottle full and take a sip every 30 minutes.

The body is composed of almost 60 per cent water and topping up throughout the day will ensure your concentration stays sharp, your body is energised and your skin is in tip top condition.