“We’ve been through a lot – thank you.”
Growing, birthing and feeding babies is no easy job – as we all know.
In fact, our bodies are pure magic for being able to do so – and honestly, why the heck are we not, as women, showering ourselves with love and respect more – we sure as heck deserve it. And let’s be clear – nobody needs to ‘bounce back.’ Nobody needs to look the way they did before baby – you are not who you were before baby, so why should your body be?
Right now, we are taking a major leaf out of Ashley Graham’s book – the model is showing us all just how filled with gratitude we should be over our changing bodies – stretch marks and all.
The supermodel and mom of three recently took to Instagram to share some absolutely stunning photos of her postpartum body, and, girl, we are cheering.
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Standing in front of a bathroom mirror, one arm covering her breasts, Graham’s head tilts to one side as she appears to take in the full image of her beautiful postpartum body. It is an image so profound of postpartum-hood, when a body is still healing and vulnerable.
The next photo in the carrousel is a close-up of the model holding her belly scars and fat, followed by an image of her puckering her lips in a sassy pose while still nearly nude.
And let’s be clear – Graham looks absolutely beautiful.
“Hi, new tummy,” she writes in the caption. “We’ve been through a lot. Thank you.”
And just like that, thousands of women took to the comments section to flood Graham with loving, kind words.
Because honestly, we need more of this honestly on social media. The image is a beautiful, intimate look at how Graham approaches her body after welcoming three babies in just a few years – and we are so here for it.