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Children's health

03rd Jan 2025

Cases of Kawasaki Norovirus are rising but what are the signs?

Kat O'Connor

The Kawasaki Norovirus is spreading in the UK

It feels like everyone we know is sick at the moment so the risks of catching a virus like the winter vomiting bug are higher.

Everyone is sniffling or coughing on the bus, our offices are quieter than usual, and we’re hearing more and more people saying they’re feeling under the weather.

It’s that time of year when we’re all bound to catch something, whether it’s just a cold or more serious like the flu or norovirus.

A new strain of the winter vomiting bug is spreading in the UK called Kawasaki Norovirus.

According to reports, this new strain is responsible for 70 percent of all cases of the vomiting bug in the UK.

It is normal to see a spike in the highly contagious bug around this time of year.

The HSE stressed that norovirus is the most common vomiting bug in Ireland, but people can catch it at any time of the year.

The bug is “unpleasant,” but experts at the HSE have stressed that it often clears up within a few days.

They urged the public to “try to avoid going to your GP, as norovirus can spread to others very easily.”

The symptoms start one to two days after you become infected and may last for two or three days.

The main signs of norovirus include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • High temperature
  • Abdominal pain
  • Aching limbs

There is no cure for norovirus, you simply have to let it run its course. Medical experts have stressed that the best thing to do is stay home and let the virus clear.

Parents should seek medical attention if they’re concerned about their children with norovirus as it can cause dehydration.

