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10th Dec 2015

Doing THIS every day will make you healthier, happier (and quite possibly skinnier too!)

Trine Jensen-Burke

When was the last time you gave someone a good, long squeeze?

In our increasingly hectic lives, it seems like we are forever looking for ways to feel happier and calmer, and are willingly forking out our hard-earned cash to anyone from yoga instructors to life-coaches to help us achieve this.

But what if you were told that there is one simple little thing you can do every day, that won’t cost you a penny, but still has the power to calm your stress, boost your mood, hell, even curb your sweet tooth too?

Bring on all the hugs.


Hugging, we are told, is something we are doing less and less of these days, according to researchers from Oxford University, who has revealed that the UK and Ireland are among the least cuddliest places in Europe. If you too are guilty of thinking “ah, sure why bother with a hug when a handshake will do,” you absolutely need to read this.

Hugs have the power to trigger healthy hormones and shifts focus away from stressors, according to natural medicine pioneer Dr Joseph Mercola.

In his new book, “Effortless Healing: 9 Simple ways to sidestep illness, shed excess weight and help your body fix itself,” Mercola explains how physical touch triggers the pituitary gland to release oxytocin (known as the “love hormone”), and how this soothes the stress response by counteracting cortisol (a hormone released in response to stress) and lowering blood pressure.


On top of that, oxytocin has been found to reduce people’s cravings for drugs, alcohol and even sweets. Emotionally, it helps you feel bonded to another person, which keeps feelings of isolation and detachment at bay. (This is why newborn babies are placed on their mamas naked chest straight away, the skin-on-skin contact encourages the release of oxytocin in both mother and baby, ensuring that they feel connected and bonded to each other. Mother Nature is one smart lady!)

“A truly effortless way to improve your health is to touch and be touched more,” Mercola explains in his book. “Making skin-on-skin contact with another person boosts you physically and emotionally.”

Wow. All that from a hug? And there is more.

Longer hugs – at least 20 seconds – appear to be better at significantly improving oxytocin levels, but any hug of any duration between two willing huggers is better than no hugs at all.
So what are you waiting for?
Hug away, guys! You mum, your friends, your colleagues. Snuggle up to your partner and take every given opportunity to hug children, as their hugs are always especially love-filled. Oh, and dogs and kittens are good too!
Are YOU a hugger? Do you feel better when you hug and get hugged? Join the conversation with us on Twitter at @Herfamilydotie