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13th Nov 2015

New vagina on your lunch break? Say hello to the FemiLift!

Trine Jensen-Burke

The majority of us spend a good whack of money on keeping our bodies and looks as young and healthy as possible. Between hot yoga and kale juice and ballet bar and expensive facials, we aim to stay as taut and firm and fine looking for as long as humanly possible.

But what about our more, ahem, intimate parts…? Because those age too, you know. And as all mums know, going through pregnancy and childbirth can really change things, (coughs…) down there. And if you (like the rest of us) have been a little too relaxed about getting around to doing those kegels, well; let’s just say jumping on a trampoline can come with some unwanted side-effects.

But what if we told you there is a (non-surgical and pretty quick) way to improve conditions down south? With no pelvic floor exercises involved.

Enter the FemiLift, a non-invasive, super-quick treatment for your private parts – which many have likened to a facial for your vagina. Intrigued?

We recently sat down for a little chat with clinical nurse Evanna and gynaecologist Dr. Monika Antepowicz at Dublin’s Fitzwilliam Private Clinic about the FemiLift, and here is what they had to tell us about the increasingly popular procedure.

“There are a number of reasons why collagen fibres can lose their elasticity and strength, ageing being the number one, but factors like childbirth, surgery, hysterectomy, smoking and obesity also play their part,” explains Dr. Antepowicz.

“These all cause a breakdown of the vaginal tissue’s normal collagen, and replace it with fibres that do not stretch and recoil as healthy fibres should.”

This can all obviously result in a less pleasurable sex life, but also in the dreaded stress urinary incontinence (SUI), where you can actually experience leakage (yikes!) when you cough, sneeze or laugh – oh yeah; and forget about those trampolines!

“For women affected, there is no denying both of these can be upsetting and stressful,” says Evanna.

“And greatly reduce their quality of life.”

So instead of suffering through – or desperately giving those kegels another go, why not book yourself in for a little pain-free, non-surgical nip/tuck for your hoo-ha? After all, the consultation is completely free, so what have you got to lose?

What is the FemiLift?

The FemiLift is – put simply – a non-invasive vaginal rejuvenation treatment– and if the feedback from customers is anything to go by, this is 15 minutes you won’t regret.

Using advanced laser technology, the treatment helps your body produce new collagen fibres, which in turn will strengthen and improve the elasticity of the vaginal walls. Meaning, this treatment will tighten the vagina, and has also proven very successful in treating both SUI and post-menopausal vaginal dryness.

During the procedure, which only takes about 15 minutes, a small sterile probe is inserted into your vagina, and the FemiLift laser will deliver thermal heating into the tissues of the vaginal wall, encouraging collagen production and aiding in remodeling vaginal tissue. The procedure is performed by a specialist gynaecologist and is 100% safe.

“Basically, we call it a controlled injury, where the laser stimulates your own tissue to produce more collagen,” explains Dr. Antepowicz.

“The thermal heating system in use is completely pain-free and will – even after just one session – have a tightening effect on your vaginal tissue.”

How many sessions you will require will be up to the medical staff to determine.

“Many come back to us and report of both increased sexual pleasure and better bladder control after just one treatment,” explains Dr. Antepowicz.

“But for the majority, two-three sessions will see dramatic improvement.”

How about recovery?

“There is no recovery or downtime associated with the FemiLift treatment, but you may be asked to abstain from sexual intercourse for a few days,” explains Dr. Antepowicz.

“After the treatment, you will also be asked to avoid using a tampon for the first seven days.”

What are the benefits?

“There are many benefits that can be achieved from having this treatment done, with the majority choosing to have it done for medical reasons like stress urinary incontinence or an overactive bladder,” Evanna explains.

“Apart from greatly helping to improve these conditions, the FemiLift can help with improving vaginal muscle tone, strength and elasticity. It can help achieve increased sensation during sexual intercourse and treat vaginal dryness, as well as improve vaginal anterior & posterior prolapses, which can occur after childbirth or injuries.

Who gets it done?

“We have clients ranging in age from their 20s to to their 80s”, explains Evanna. “For the majority, these are women who have suffered from stress urinary incontinence or who have experienced a lack of satisfaction from vaginal intercourse.”

As for age, Dr. Antepowicz explains that younger women will have a better effect from the treatment as they already have more collagen present in their bodies.

Is it painful?

The procedure itself is not painful, but can to some feel a little uncomfortable. “Many liken it to having a smear test done”, explains Dr. Antepowicz.

Will it last forever?

Like most things, this too does not come with everlasting results, but in most cases, the effect of a FemiLift treatment can last up to two years.

“This will also depend on the individual, of course,” explains Evanna. “We always say that repeat procedures will be beneficial in maintaining results longer.”

Why go down this route?

“Laser rejuvenation of the vagina has been strongly advocated for medical reasons, and is a safe and far less invasive option for women who do not want to go down the surgical route,” explains Dr. Antepowicz.

“Surgery carries a much higher risk of complications and is not always successful. We know that this treatment can improve the quality of life for many women, and we are in the process of informing GPs about the FemiLift, so they in turn can give comprehensive advice to their patients on the available treatments”

Dr. Antepowicz thinks there is still somewhat of a stigma attached to all things considered plastic surgery, or something done for vanity reasons alone.

“We are so proactive today about making sure we have good quality of life in so many other areas of our lives,” explains Evanna.

“So why not this? We live longer; we want to stay active and feel good about ourselves and be confident. It is no longer a case of ‘ah, sure, you have had children, just get on with it’, and why should it be? The majority of our patients have experienced a great improvement in quality of life, and why should that be something to be ashamed of?”


For more information or to book your free consultation, get in touch with The Fitzwilliam Private Clinic in Dublin, where their Gynaecological team will be able to answer all the questions you might have and give you an indication of what to expect from your treatment.